
New developments

In Wales discussions are ongoing about the possibility of new arrangements for ALL members to meet up. 

Jane Harvey (contact below) would be delighted to hear from any member in Wales who would like to help set  things up. 

Secondary MFL in Wales

Secondary MFL in Wales is a Facebook group for all MFL teachers in Wales, where you can find support, help and advice from colleagues. 

It is hosted by an ALL member. 

On Facebook, search for 'Secondary MFL in Wales' and answer some questions about what and where you teach.

Border Marches Network

The ALL Border Marches Network hosts events for practitioners across all Key Stages.

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events.

Group Support Resources

If you are a leader or co-ordinator of an ALL local group, click here for resources to support your group.

Join your professional community

Becoming an ALL member grants you access to some member-only ALL local events and a host of exclusive member benefits. Find out what our members have to say about the benefits of ALL membership.