ALL for secondary teachers
ALL has a special membership rate for secondary schools costing £135 a year for schools with up to 10 language teachers, or £150 for schools with over 11 language teachers . Small or large group membership enables all teaching staff involved in secondary languages at a single school to receive full access to the Language Learning Journal, the ALL Language Zones, termly copies of Languages Today magazine and the weekly e-bulletin ALLNet.
As a group member, you will receive a school membership card which you can take to local ALL events as proof of membership. You and your colleagues will also benefit from a discount on attending the Language World annual conference. You can find out more about joining here.
What we offer for ALL members:
Branches and Networks
Local groups across the country offering training and support.
Languages Today
Practical ideas and content for secondary teachers through our termly magazine, Languages Today.
Weekly news and updates with our e-newsletter, ALLNet.
Low cost or free networking and CPD events across the country for ALL members.
Language Zones
An entirely interactive and interconnected archive on language teaching practice.
Discover challenges and competitions for your learners
Become a member
We have a range of packages available to suit your situation, and all include a host of benefits.
Secondary Special Interest Group (SIG)
ALL has formed a special interest group on secondary languages education, to support teachers (and thereby learners), share in local and national events and publications, give teachers a national voice, and bring people together. Everybody is welcome to join from all sectors and raise questions or ask advice on all of the current changes secondary practitioners face. You may want to discuss pedagogy review, phonics in secondary, plans for the new GCSE, or resources for new A levels. If you would like to join and contribute to the discussion, please sign up here.
The Secondary Special Interest Group is championed by Lisa Probert, the Chair of the ALL Secondary Steering Group.
"This group is a forum for all secondary teachers of languages and a space to ask questions, get advice, share ideas or find out more about initiatives and projects relating to your classroom practice. Calling all secondary language teachers to engage and contribute to the secondary language teaching community and our professional association!" Lisa Probert has been a teacher of Modern Languages for 26 years and Head of Department for the last 8 years. A member of the ALL Council, Lisa also runs the ALL Oxford Network, organising events for teachers and students in Oxfordshire.
Secondary Steering Group
The Secondary Steering Group was formed in Spring 2017 from members of ALL who joined the Secondary Special Interest Group. The steering group will work closely with the ALL Council Task & Finish Groups, which have a focus on Membership, Policy and Publications.
The Steering Group will meet physically, when necessary, to review and to take significant matters forward which are pertinent to the teaching and learning of languages at secondary level. It will consist of about ten invited people, identified by reason of geographical distribution, representation of different languages and areas of expertise, all of whom will commit to creating outputs which support ALL members and secondary language practitioners.
Observers from cultural institutions will also be invited to the Steering Group meetings. Members of the Steering Group contribute to the termly roadshow created to support Branches and Networks (on the right).
The Steering Group will also make recommendations virtually in between meetings, to approve, for instance, the establishment of new Branches or Networks, or advise on websites, publications or blogs with a secondary languages focus. The Steering Group will also play a role in responding to consultations relating to language teaching and learning, pedagogy and issues relating to the teaching profession. They will therefore actively contribute to the policy work undertaken by the Association.
The group will also refer matters for discussion onto ALL's governance functions, the ALL Council and Management Board.
If you would like to join the Secondary Special Interest Group, please visit this page and sign up.
Branch & Network and Primary Hub Roadshows
The Roadshows are presentations to update local groups on news from ALL, events and projects of interest, along with sector news and resources of interest. Local ALL groups can access the presentations to share with their local group attendees.
Secondary questionnaire responses
Thank you to everyone who contributed by answering the secondary questionnaire. There was a good and useful response, and you will not be surprised that many secondary teachers are facing the same issues. Some of these are in the political sphere and can be picked up at national meetings; for others members suggest practical ways forward which the new Steering Group can consider.
A summary of the main themes found in the responses can be found here.
News for Secondary teachers
Arabic Reading Competition 2025
Languages Celebration
Languages celebration at Secondary level Picture the scene: parents, carers, students, teachers and families all mingling and building connections over conversations about one thing that we all have in common – language. Please click here to read the full article.
ALL response to Curriculum and Assessment Review
ALL response to Curriculum and Assessment Review The Association for Language Learning announces its response to the Call of Evidence informing the Curriculum and Assessment Review. Prior to submitting the response, the...
What we offer to everyone:
ALL Connect
Free training materials for KS3 teachers through our ALL Connect programme.
Explore our range of national and international projects for teachers.
Email fora
Anyone teaching languages in the secondary sector can join an open access discussion forum called LanguagesNet.
Members have additional language-specific or sector- specific discussions lists available to them.
Check out our Pinterest pages on a host of different topics.