Who we are

ALL is run by teachers, for teachers, and has thousands of members across the UK and further afield.

ALL has a very active volunteer network, with hundreds  of volunteers offering their time and commitment to support other language teachers, or learners of foreign languages.

Below you will find  information about those members who volunteer specifically to support our governance structure. For information on other ways in which you could get involved with your subject association, see Getting Involved.

ALL Council

The ALL Council is chaired by the President of the Association. The ALL Council comprises of twelve ALL members, who are elected from the membership and serve for a period of three years.  ALL's elected Officers, and at least one Invited Trustee, who all serve on the Board of Trustees (ALL's Management Board) attend Council meetings.

ALL Council's serving members

Elected members:

Lisa Stevens   2017 -  2025

Clare Seccombe   2017 -  2025

Lisa Chung 2020 - 2026

Isabelle Jones 2020 - 2026

Darnelle Constant-Shepherd 2020 - 2026

Laura Molway 2021 - 2027

Lisa Panford 2021 - 2027

Miki Carter 2021 - 2027

Shirley Kliment-Temple 2021 - 2027

Silvia Bastow 2021 - 2027

Catherine Ames 2022 - 2025

Fatima Khaled 2022 - 2025

Camilla Smith 2022 - 2025

Maud Waret 2022 - 2025

Ina Baritsch 2023 - 2026

Elaine Bocking 2023 - 2026

Janet Clarke 2023 - 2026

Jonathan Patterson 2023 - 2026

Faye Simpson 2023 - 2026


Dr Judith Rifeser (ALL President)

Suzi Bewell (Honorary Membership Officer)

Other invited attendees:

René Koglbauer-Franklin (Chair of Management Board)

Richard Fairbairn (ALL Invited Trustee, Treasurer)

Anna Lise Gordon (ALL Invited Trustee)

Jane Harvey (ALL Invited Trustee)

Steven Fawkes (ALL Invited Trustee)

Jane Driver (ALL Invited Trustee)

Liz Black (ALL Invited Trustee)

Find out about how the ALL Council works

Management Board

Our Elected Trustees

Dr Judith Rifeser

Dr Judith Rifeser

ALL President

Dr Judith Rifeser has worked in education in various roles for nearly twenty years. A German, Spanish and EAL specialist, she has held language teaching positions in primary, secondary and higher education in England, as well as in Spain, Italy and the USA.

She is an associate professor in education at UCL‘s IOE Faculty of Education and Society. She is particularly interested in the use of film(making) to give voice to learners diverse experiences and develop intercultural agility. She currently works as Director of Strategic Learning Futures for the NCLE project. As Co-Directors of the Critical Connections: Multilingual Digital Storytelling project and education consultant, she works with schools around the world. She formerly co-led the PGCE Secondary Languages Programme at Goldsmiths, University of London and taught Spanish and Italian at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA.

Judith has been a long-standing member of ALL London and is involved in the ALL Decolonising the Secondary Curriculum group. She joined the ALL Honorary Membership Team and the ALL Management Board as co-opted member. She is also a member of BERA and the Chartered College of Teaching.

One of Judith’s favourite quotes about language is by Noam Chomsky who said:

“A language is not just words. It's a culture, a tradition, a unification of a community, a whole history that creates what a community is. It's all embodied in a language.”

A main aim of Judith’s presidency is to further build our multilingual and multicultural ALL community and champion the invaluable work languages teachers are doing every day in their classrooms.

Suzi Bewell

Suzi Bewell

ALL Honorary Membership Officer

Suzi Bewell is a well-known languages teacher and trainer. Until 2015, she ran the PGCE MFL course at York University. She has over 20 years’ experience of teaching French, Spanish and German, and more recently Mandarin in the UK and overseas, is a SSAT Lead Practitioner for language and also runs her own successful educational consultancy supporting languages teachers worldwide.

Our Invited Trustees

Jane Driver

Jane Driver

ALL Invited Trustee

Jane Driver is Principal at North Cambridge Academy in Cambridge. She is a Specialist Leader for Education in EAL and MFL, member of the British Academy Language Advisory Group and founded the ALL Peterborough MFL and EAL Hubs.

Jane co-created several nationally-recognised language projects including the Foreign Languages Spelling Bee, Translation Bee and Primary Bee.

Through her work in Cambridgeshire schools and with ALL, she has supported teachers and leaders with pedagogy, departmental improvement, and partnerships to support communities. Her work was recognised in 2021 with a Gold Pearson National Teaching Award for work with Gypsy-Roma and other hard-to-reach communities.

Jane has a passion for educational equity, and a strong belief that Languages and internationalism can be a vehicle for social mobility and community cohesion.

Richard Fairbairn

Richard Fairbairn

Treasurer (ALL Invited Trustee)

Richard worked as a partner at a law firm in London for many years. He has retired from practice and is now a non-practising Solicitor. He has wide experience of most aspects of private client work including trusts, wills and probate and associated tax planning and his work was international, and as a French speaker his work was particularly focused on France and French clients in London.

Richard holds two French medals: Officer dans l’Ordre des Palmes Academiques, and Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite.

Richard was a long serving Chair of ALL's Board of Trustees (ALL Management Board), and also serves on other language and education-based boards. From 01 September 2016, Richard became ALL's Treasurer on its Board of Trustees.

René Koglbauer-Franklin

René Koglbauer-Franklin

Chair of Board of Trustees

Following nearly two-decades in secondary education and initial teacher education in Austria, Hungary, Oxfordshire and the North East, Professor René Koglbauer-Franklin is currently Dean of Lifelong Learning and Professional Practice at Newcastle University and was appointed Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) in 2017. René joined ALL when he started out his career as a language assistant in the UK in 1999.

After a period of time on ALL Council, René joined the Management Board as Honorary Finance Officer, was ALL President from 2014-2016 and continued as invited trustee. Since 2017, René holds the post of Chair of Management Board. Under his leadership, the Association underwent an organisational restructure. René represents ALL on various national and international steering groups, is a member of UCML’s executive board and is particularly interested in language curriculum, assessment and language policy.

Anna Lise Gordon

Anna Lise Gordon

ALL Invited Trustee

Anna Lise Gordon has been a member of ALL since its inception. For the last 20+ years, she has worked in initial teacher education as MFL PGCE tutor, Academic Director for secondary PGCE provision, and latterly as Director of the Institute of Education at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, Currently, Anna Lise is Professor of Education at the same institution. She is a National Teaching Fellow and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Anna Lise's tenure as ALL President was from 1st September 2016 - 31st August 2018. In her role as ALL Trustee, Anna Lise serves as the school liaison representative on the executive committee of The University Council For Languages (UCFL). She co-leads ALL’s Learning from the Classroom initiative for members.

Steven Fawkes

Steven Fawkes

ALL Honorary Membership Officer

Twice President of ALL, and long-serving Honorary Membership Officer, ALL Fellow and Chair of ALL North-East Branch, Steven Fawkes continues to support Branches, Networks and Hubs as well as the SIGs for Primary, ITET and De-colonising the Curriculum, the STALL and PHOrum online events, and the ALL Literature project. 

Steven taught Languages in Co. Durham before working in curriculum development in special and comprehensive schools. At the BBC he developed TV, radio, print and internet resources for Schools Languages before taking the overview of policy across the schools area. 

In 2022 Steven was honoured by the French Government with a nomination as Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques. He is an Editor for ALL, and author of works for the benefit of the Association, available in the ALL Shop.

Helen Myers MBE

Helen Myers MBE

ALL Invited Trustee

Helen Myers teaches Languages at The Ashcombe School in Dorking, Surrey (a Language College since 1998). She is also the ALL London Branch Chair, a former President of ALL and currently on the ALL Management Board. Through her work at The Ashcombe School and ALL, she has helped many teachers across the country in their use ICT in the teaching of languages, and provided constant support to language teachers through moderating forums and resource websites. She combines senior management experience and a national perspective with the realities of teaching across the age and ability range, including AL and GCSE exam classes.

Liz Black

Liz Black

Liz Black enjoyed a successful career as a teacher for over 30 years, 15 as head of languages in two different secondary schools teaching to A-level, and with experience also in primary, and in adult education.

Liz was awarded Advanced Skills Teacher status and worked for 10 years as a cross phase AST; she has also completed consultant leader training at the National College of School Leadership, been a CILT trainer, and Regional Subject Adviser for Links into Languages, under ALL President Kathy Wicksteed’s national lead.

Liz has been a member of ALL for many years, and her passion for teaching languages has been shared far and wide at ALL local and national events, in the pages of Languages Today, and during two periods on ALL Council.
She believes that her work in different sectors, regions and countries over many years has given her a grasp of different teaching approaches and an understanding of Language Teachers’ needs.

Our Patrons

David Crystal

David Crystal

ALL Patron

David Crystal is an academic, writer, editor and broadcaster, and Honorary Professor of Linguistics at the University of Bangor. He is a patron of the Association for Language Learning (ALL) and of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL), president of the Society for Editors and Proofreaders and the UK National Literacy Association, an honorary vice-president of the Institute of Linguists and the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists. He received an OBE for services to the English language in 1995, and was made a Fellow of the British Academy (FBA) in 2000. David lives in Holyhead, where he is the director of the Ucheldre Centre, a multi-purpose arts and exhibition centre.

Baroness Coussins

Baroness Coussins

ALL Patron

Jean Coussins graduated from Newnham College, Cambridge, in 1973 in Modern Languages (Spanish and French). Following a career in the public, private and charitable sectors, she also worked as an adviser to various international companies on corporate social responsibility. Created a Life Peer in 2007 she is an Independent Crossbencher in the House of Lords, focusing on languages, linguists and international relations. She co-chairs the All Party Parliamentary Group on Modern Languages, is a vice-president of the Chartered Institute of Linguists and President of the campaign Speak to the Future. Jean is continuing her own language education by learning Arabic and has a special interest in Latin America.

She is an Honorary Fellow of UCL and Newnham College Cambridge, and was awarded the British Academy’s President’s Medal in 2013 in recognition of her work on languages. In 2019 the Open University awarded her an Honorary Doctorate in recognition of her work to promote the teaching and learning of languages.

Find out about how the Management Board works

ALL Past Presidents

Below you will find a list of Past Presidents, along with a short introduction which summarises the focus of the Language World conference which they hosted during their presidency. ALL's Presidents have all served ALL's members as trustees, and many of the Past Presidents continue to serve the ALL community, on working groups, as members of ALL Council, working in consultancy capacities on projects or research; and meeting fellow ALL members' training and development needs out in local ALL Branches, Networks and Primary Hubs.

Liz Black (2022-2024)

Liz Black (2022-2024)

Liz Black enjoyed a successful career as a teacher for over 30 years, 15 as head of languages in two different secondary schools teaching to A-level, and with experience also in primary, and in adult education.

Liz was awarded Advanced Skills Teacher status and worked for 10 years as a cross phase AST; she has also completed consultant leader training at the National College of School Leadership, been a CILT trainer, and Regional Subject Adviser for Links into Languages, under ALL President Kathy Wicksteed’s national lead.

Liz has been a member of ALL for many years, and her passion for teaching languages has been shared far and wide at ALL local and national events, in the pages of Languages Today, and during two periods on ALL Council.
She believes that her work in different sectors, regions and countries over many years has given her a grasp of different teaching approaches and an understanding of Language Teachers’ needs.

Kim Bower (2020-2022)

Kim Bower (2020-2022)

Professor of Innovation in Languages Education at the Sheffield Institute of Education

Kim is Professor of Innovation in Languages Education at the Sheffield Institute of Education, a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a National Teaching Fellow. She is an experienced lecturer and researcher in the field of languages and teacher education and an expert in CLIL.

Her career as an initial teacher trainer started in 2000 at Hull University. Prior to this, Kim taught French and German for 16 years. During her time as a secondary language teacher and senior leader, she was involved in running exchanges and residential visits as well as a number of national curriculum projects. Kim led two national pilots and innovations in MFL teacher education: French Extension Courses, which became known as subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) courses and the secondary Anglo-French bilateral exchange pilot for the Teaching and Development Agency (TDA). In her current role she has established a community of academics and practitioners of CLIL in Anglophone countries and is the conference chair of the Biennial International CLIL conferences hosted in June 2017 and June 2019 at Sheffield Institute of Education.

Jane Harvey (2018-2020)

Jane Harvey (2018-2020)

Jane served as President Elect during 2017/18 then as ALL President from September 2018 - August 2020 and has been a member of the ALL Council. Jane worked closely with five international partners, leading on behalf of ALL on the Erasmus+ ELAPSE; Embedding Languages across Primary and Secondary Education international project whilst also further developing bonds with LFEE (Languages for Education Europe) in Edinburgh to provide a range of training opportunities for ALL members and languages teachers. Jane also runs the ALL Border Marches Network. Jane taught French and Italian during her career and worked in the primary and secondary sectors. She finished her career in Further Education as Head of Learning at Gloucestershire College.

Anna Lise Gordon

Anna Lise Gordon

Teacher Trainer, Invited Trustee of ALL

Anna Lise hosted two Language World conferences during her tenure as President. In 2017 she welcomed delegates to East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, where the conference theme was 'Progress for ALL'. In March 2018 she welcomed delegates to Jurys Inn Hinckley Island in Leicestershire, where the conference theme was 'Flying the Flag for Languages'. During 2017 and 2018 Anna Lise has chaired the Publications Task & Finish Group, a working group of the ALL Council. She has also chaired meetings of the Initial Teacher Education and Training (ITET) forum.

René Koglbauer-Franklin (2014-2016)

René Koglbauer-Franklin (2014-2016)

Executive Director of North Leadership Centre and Senior Lecturer at Newcastle University

In the first year of the ALL Connect project, which coincided with the first of a two year Presidency, René brought all of the ALL Connect strands together at Language World Conference 2015, under the banner ‘ALL Connected’. He also formally announced the launch of ALL’s Language Zones. The focus of the Language World Conference 2016 was on Curriculum Innovation, reflecting and preparing ahead of the changes to the language curriculum in September 2016

Ann Swarbrick (2011 - 2014)

Ann Swarbrick (2011 - 2014)

Teacher trainer

Ann encouraged us at Language World to Imagine... having recently imagined the creation of the ALL ITET Special Interest Group for Teacher Educators. Ann' s current project is as editor of Barry Jones' selected writings.

Rachel Hawkes (2012 - 2015)

Rachel Hawkes (2012 - 2015)

Teacher of Languages and Deputy Principal at Comberton Academy Trust

Rachel is also a Languages Advisor for TES Resources, and, planned her Language World to get us 'ALL Joined up', reflecting her sense of the community of language professionals, and the importance of teachers working together and with others.

Bernardette Holmes MBE (2010 - 2013)

Bernardette Holmes MBE (2010 - 2013)

Speak to the Future

'Languages for all - defining today, transforming tomorrow' expresses some of the passion that Bernardette continues to bring to her advocacy with Speak to the Future.

Karl Pfeiffer

Karl Pfeiffer

Karl Pfeiffer has lived and worked in the United Kingdom continuously since 1986. He first came to Folkestone, Kent, as a German Language Assistant in 1977. From 1986 he taught German at Goldsmiths’ College and from 1989 at the Goethe-Institut London. There, for 30 years, he closely co-operated with all educational institutions and schools that support the teaching of German in the UK. He became a member of ALL in 2007 when he joined the Executive Council. He was President of ALL from 2010 until 2011. From 2015 until 2018 he ensured that ALL was actively involved in the highly successful Erasmus + project “The Language Magician”. He retired from the Goethe-Institut in 2019 and continues to support ALL and its members.

Cynthia Martin (2008 - 2011)

Cynthia Martin (2008 - 2011)

Primary Education Specialist

As befits someone with a specific interest in the early stages of language learning, Cynthia chose as her title for Language World, 'Building on Firm Foundations – Steps to Success'. The work she began continues with the ALL Primary Special Interest Group and the Primary Hubs around the country.

Pauline Swanton (2007 - 2010)

Pauline Swanton (2007 - 2010)

Tutor in Adult Education

Pauline's presidential challenge was about 'Grasping the nettles that beset us'. Pauline served as an Invited Trustee for a number of years beyond her presidential tenure.

Helen Myers MBE (2006 - 2009)

Helen Myers MBE (2006 - 2009)

Teacher of French

Helen 'Pulled the Threads Together' at Language World. Her interest in assessment is visible on the web pages of ALL London Branch, which she continues to chair.

David Wilson (2005 - 2008)

David Wilson (2005 - 2008)

BBC Languages

David encouraged us to focus on 'Expanding Horizons' and conveying positive messages about languages at the time of the Dearing Review. David continues to support ALL by acting as an objective reviewer and editor of ALL's web content.

Kathy Wicksteed (2004 - 2007)

Kathy Wicksteed (2004 - 2007)

SSAT Languages Coordinator

Kathy's campaigning work on behalf of CLIL is still as vibrant now as it was at 'Language World: Working Together'. She also led the Linked Up project for ALL and served on many ALL Committees and Councils.  Kathy sadly died in 2018.

Barry Jones (2003 - 2006)

Barry Jones (2003 - 2006)

Teacher Trainer

Barry's theme at Language World, was  'Creating Opportunities'. This encapsulates many of his principles as a  teacher and trainer. These are to be explored in ALL's publication of Barry Jones' selected writings.

Bill Musk (2002 - 2005)

Bill Musk (2002 - 2005)

British Council

'Reaching Out' was a suitable theme for Bill's presidency, reflecting his career in forging effective international education links. ALL maintains links with other teachers internationally through  FIPLV, FIPF and  IDV and its close co-operation with cultural agencies and the British Council.

Steven Fawkes (1999-2002) and (2002-2004)

Steven Fawkes (1999-2002) and (2002-2004)

BBC Policy Adviser / BBC Education Officer

Steven, now an ALL Fellow, is the only person yet to have been President twice; the first time around his theme was 'Motivation  - for all' stressing the importance of teacher motivation, reflected in the current ALL-Literature wiki which he manages.

Steven chose 'Next Steps' as his theme for his second Language World, in the European Year of Languages, exploring issues of learner progression, but also of developing the work of the Association to be more readily available locally. Steven now chairs ALLNE Branch, one of the dozens of Branches, Hubs and Primary Hubs that have taken this idea forward.

Terry Lamb (2000 - 2003)

Terry Lamb (2000 - 2003)

Teacher Trainer

Terry's presidential theme of 'Building Bridges' related to bridges between sectors and languages, especially with community languages, and is now continued in his work with FIPLV.

John Trafford (1998 - 2001)

John Trafford (1998 - 2001)

Teacher Trainer

John raised the important issues around 'Celebrating Diversity', still relevant within ALL, as reflected in the work of the World Languages Special Interest Group.

Peter Downes (1997 - 2000)

Peter Downes (1997 - 2000)

Head Teacher

Peter's theme of 'Raising Standards' is reflected in his work with the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) and on Language Awareness.

Madeleine Bedford (1994 - 1997)

Madeleine Bedford (1994 - 1997)


Madeleine's first Language World in York included the introduction of the European programmes (then called Socrates) while her second celebrated European Year of Lifelong Learning.

Margaret Tumber (1996 - 1999)

Margaret Tumber (1996 - 1999)

Teacher of German

Margaret's theme 'The Way Ahead: language strategies for the millennium' explored the potential for ICT and the way towards learner autonomy, and her talks always included the importance of diversification of language provision.

Bob Powell (1992 - 1995)

Bob Powell (1992 - 1995)

Teacher Trainer

Bob's Language World in Edinburgh brought language teachers together with teachers of EFL in the cause of promoting language learning and best practice.

Brian Page (1990 - 1993)

Brian Page (1990 - 1993)

Teacher trainer

Brian's career encompassed teaching, teacher education, the launch of the European Actions and a keen interest in autonomy. See Looking back, moving forward (now available in the ALL Language Zones).