ALL as an organisation puts all of its resources into supporting and representing different groups of language teachers in the UK, through the work of volunteers around the country – language teachers who are passionate about language teaching and their profession. Could you be one of them?

To get involved, first review the ALL local pages and see if you can help to support ALL groups in your area. If there’s no ALL group in your area, read on to find out more about setting up a new ALL local group.



I'd like to support colleagues working in the primary sector
ALL Primary Hubs offer local support for primary languages where local teachers involved in developing primary language teaching can meet, exchange ideas and provide peer support as well as accessing information and support nationally. ALL Primary Hubs allow primary teachers to meet together in a local school usually once per term to share information, develop ideas and resources and support the curriculum. Hubs are run by volunteers and are open to local teachers, often free of charge.

Primary Hub events can take a range of formats:

  • Professional conversations (networking and discussing professional issues)
  • Social events (meals, drinks, going to a film – all contain a subtext of professional support)
  • Training events (a talk from someone about a resource they really like, an invited speaker recommended by another network).

A primary hub provides much needed support and CPD in your area, and will hopefully bring in new members who don't know about ALL as of yet. It allows primary teachers to join up with colleagues in their area with the same challenges and issues, to share ideas and best practice, and 'join up with the national picture'.

How do I join a Primary Hub?

Look for your nearest hub on our list, and get in touch with your local contact.

How do I start a Primary Hub?

Contact the ALL office. We may know of others near you who are also keen to be involved, and can put you in touch with other hub volunteers for advice, as well as the Honorary Membership Officer, Steven Fawkes.

Very good luck with starting up your hub - we look forward to working with you in the future!

Where do I get help?

ALL can support your group in a number of ways, including promoting your events in ALLNet and ALL social media and supplying your group with ALL materials. Find out more about the support offered to local group leaders on the Support page.

I'd like to support colleagues working in the secondary, FE or HE sector
ALL groups supporting secondary, FE and HE colleagues take on either a Branch or a Network structure.

ALL Network

An ALL Network is an informal arrangement allowing members to get together and set up small-scale events locally. You don't need to create a committee unless you want to, or unless, in time, you decide you'd like to create a new formal branch (see below for more information on the Branch structure).

You will need:

  • a person or a few people to take a lead in setting up an event of some sort
  • somewhere to host the event (in a school, college, home, pub, etc.)
  • some people who want to meet

A Network doesn't need a bank account, unless you host costed events, and you are free to have a meeting on any topic that you choose.

Network events can take a range of formats:

  • Professional conversations (a few people at someone's house discussing professional things)
  • Social events (meals, drinks, going to a film – all contain a subtext of professional support)
  • Training events (a talk from someone about a resource they really like, an invited speaker recommended by another network)

Of course some events have financial implications (although many don't).

A network raises the Association's profile in your area (and will hopefully bring in new members who don't know about ALL as yet.)

If you are already running a local group independently or under a different initiative, you might consider working together with ALL in order to reach more teachers through our contacts, and 'join up with the national picture'.

ALL Branch

An ALL Branch is a formal entity, run by committee, which may set up larger-scale events and competitions, generally across a whole region. You will need:

  • a committee to help you run things
  • the committee to take a lead in setting up events
  • to submit an annual budget to the ALL office
  • to set up a bank account
  • somewhere to host events

You are free to have a meeting on any topic you choose.

Branch events can take a range of formats:

  • Conferences
  • Competitions
  • Seminars and workshops, sometimes in a series
  • Social events
  • Have a look at the ALL Events Calendar for successful ideas.

How do I start an ALL Network or Branch?

Contact the ALL office. We may know of others near you who are also keen to be involved, and can put you in touch with other ALL volunteers for advice, as well as the Honorary Membership Officer, Steven Fawkes.

Very good luck with starting up your group – we look forward to working with you in the future!

Where do I get help?

ALL can support your group in a number of ways, including promoting your events in ALLNet and ALL social media and supplying your group with ALL materials. Find out more about the support offered to local group leaders on the Support page.