Title: Modern Languages Film and Literature Study Guides By: Hodder Education Price: £11.99 Website: https://www.hoddereducation.co.uk/modernlanguagesstudyguides Vanessa Salter MFL trainer Whether you’re an experienced teacher who has taught literature and film...
Title: Stories from Secondary Foreign Languages Classrooms By: Colin Christie and Caroline Conlon, Trentham Books Price: £22.99 Website: https://www.ucl-ioe-press.com/books/language-and-literacy/success-stories-from-secondary-foreign-languages-classrooms/ Jenny...
Title: Languages Learning Unlocked By: Andrew Weiler, Freedom by Choice Price: Paperback: £10.99 Website: www.strategiesinlanguagelearning.com Liz Black PGCE tutor, University of York This book considers discussion in recent years why adults often state that they...
Title: Employability for Languages: a handbook By: ed. Corradini, Borthwick and Gallagher-Brett, Research-publishing.net 2016 Price: £12.74 + VAT Website: http://tiny.cc/Employability John Connor Independent Consultant This handbook is a timely and valuable...