Survey on language assistants

Your opinions, experience and knowledge are urgently required! As you might be aware, the country has seen the lowest number of Modern Foreign Language Assistants starting this October for the last three or four decades. There are multiple reasons for this, including...

Into Film Festival 2015

Into Film… Teachers and pupils can share a wide array of foreign language films for free at the Into Film Festival 2015 – the world’s largest film festival for children and young people, taking place across the UK from 04-20 Nov 2015. Highlights will...

Language Teacher of the Year Award 2016

    Do you know a very special language teacher or a student language ambassador? A  teacher who inspires pupils through superb teaching and supports  colleagues by sharing their expertise and ideas? Or a student language  ambassador who motivates young...

Language Trends Survey 2015

The 2015/16 edition of the Language Trends survey is now live! Three thousand primary schools and 2,500 secondary schools, including 500 independent schools, have now received letters asking them to complete the online surveys. If your school has been selected as part...