Border chaos will cause huge delays and cost £1bn a year.  Analysis from Oxera says the cost of new customs checks and ensuing delays could amount to more than £1bn after Brexit.

Luxembourg’s Prime Minister warns of a £54bn Brexit divorce bill. Xavier Bettel made the comments after the second round of talks between David Davis and Michael Barnier.

Report on EU migration impact not due until six months before Brexit deadline. The results of a study issued by the government will not be published until September 2018- six months before Britain’s deadline to leave the EU.

Ireland will not design border for Brexiteers. Dublin denies a report that it wants a border in the Irish Sea.

EU nationals exiting Britain. The Guardian reports on some of the individuals who are leaving the UK as a result of the referendum.

Freedom of movement for EU citizens to end March 2019. May’s office confirms that free movement of EU citizens to Britain will end in March 2019.

Six things the UK may lose as a result of Brexit. From food security to banks, the Huffington Post looks at some of the things which the UK may lose post-Brexit.

UK’s top universities demand May rethinks her plans for EU citizens’ rights. The Russel Group, including Oxford and Cambridge, have published ten demands to ensure higher education is not hurt by Brexit.