Here is the latest Brexit Update from ALL

The Government to release key Brexit policy papers in the coming weeks. The papers are expected to cover crucial topics, such as options for replacing the customs union.

Post-Brexit travel to Europe. The Independent have answered some of the questions raised by Brexit.

Relocation of EU medicines regulator will hit UK researchers hard. As nineteen countries have lodged applications to host the European Medicines Agency, it is expected that the relocation of the EMA will result in a dramatic reduction of the work of the MHRA and the Veterinary Medicines Department.

Young EU migrants could be given two year work visas. It is thought that the UK economy could benefit by giving preferential treatments to migrants who are under 30.

Brexit is ‘quietly strangling science.’ Andre Geim, a Nobel Prize winning physicisist, considers taking his work outside of the UK. Furthermore, it has been reported that EU nationals who are members of Prospect, the British union for scientists and engineers, are unsure of their right to remain in the UK.

Fall in number of students taking a foreign language prompts concerns. The British Council warned that if the UK is to remain globally competitive, it needs more young people to learn a language. It comes in the wake of recent UCAS figures which showed a 22.8% drop in students applying to a European languages course at university.

You can find more Brexit updates, as well as other news, here.