Here is the latest Brexit Update from ALL

Vice-chancellors urge action to stop predicted 60% fall in EU students: Universities are drawing up a list of courses at threat of being terminated when the UK leaves the European Union, in light of the expected drop in numbers of EU students coming to study in the UK.

Call for guarantee of European teachers rights to stay after Brexit: The NAHT (National Association of Head Teachers) have demanded that the government must give European teachers working in the UK a guarantee that they can stay once the UK leaves the EU. It is feared that without this, teacher shortages will be worsened.

School day trip visa warning post-Brexit: The British Council and head teachers’ leaders have signed an open letter saying that school visits should not be at risk after Brexit.

Question marks hang over UK Government’s plan to register EU citizens after Brexit: MEPs have warned that there are still serious question marks hanging over the UK Government’s plan to register EU citizens post-Brexit.

App for EU citizens Brexit registration won’t work on iPhones: Home Office officials have admitted that a mobile app developed by the government to let EU nationals register for settled status ahead of Brexit will only function on Android phones.

Rise in number of Britons becoming EU citizens in 2016: According to new figures, the figure of Brits granted citizenship in another EU country more than doubled in 2016 (the year of the referendum), with Germany granting the most citizenships.

You can find more Brexit updates, as well as other news, here.