TTS Language Learning Resources Offer

TTS Language Learning Resources Offer

TTS has over 30 years of experience in supplying high quality educational resources to schools and parents across the UK. From activities and games through to dictionaries and books, TTS’ high quality resources can help you to deliver lessons which are multi-sensory,...
Introducing Language Angels

Introducing Language Angels

Language Angels resources are being used in more than 500 primary schools across the UK to deliver brilliantly successful foreign language lessons. They can be used by class teachers with or without any linguistic ability – ensuring brilliant and successful...
Bili’s Six Week Challenge

Bili’s Six Week Challenge

Bili invites your school to take part in their first ever 6 week challenge! This will run from the start of the Summer term, and is a fantastic way to engage students through real and regular communication with native speakers! Bili is excited to welcome you to join...