Professor Neil Kenny, one of our Language World speakers has been commenting on the British Council released from Monday, focusing on the gender gap in modern foreign languages at GCSE. Read more here The rest of this post can only be viewed by members. Please click...
Seeking to internationalise your curriculum? Want to learn from Best Practice as well as sharing your own project experiences as well as extend your PLN of international educators? Then you might be very interested in this; Our partners at the LFEE Europe are seeking...
A new report from the British Council with forewords from Sir Ciarán Devane, Chief Executive of the British Council and David Laws, Chief Executive of the Education Policy Institute, this new report comes in two parts; Part 1. Schools that are beating the odds....
A report, published by the Higher Education Policy Institute (Hepi) published a report citing that only 32% of young people in the UK say they are able to read or write in more than one language, compared with 79% of their peers in France and more than 90% in Germany....