Cursos de formación en línea para profesorado británico e irlandés de español (octubre-noviembre 2020) El Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional de España ofrece plazas a profesorado británico e irlandés de español para cursos en línea que se desarrollarán...
The Education and MFL Advisers at the Consejería de Educación (The Spanish Embassy Education Office in UK and in Ireland) together with Extenda, the Andalusian Promotion Agency have developed 8 free workshops for Spanish Teachers, starting on May 12th until...
Those of us who were at Language World earlier this year will remember the inspiring keynote talk by Charlotte Ryland, from the Translation Exchange and the Stephen Spender Trust. She really enthused the audience with the creative teaching possibilities of poetry...
Dear Colleagues, In light of the rapidly changing circumstances and advice around Covid-19, the decision has been taken by ALL Management Board to cancel or postpone all events, workshops or seminars up to Easter 2020 (12th April 2020) with immediate effect. We will...
Are you a GCSE or A-Level Spanish Teacher? Would you like to improve your teaching skills? Teacher Subject Specialism Training for GCSE/A Level Spanish looks at the key aspects of the new GCSE and A level programme, with a focus on the four language skills, on using...