Catherine Cheater, Primary French Project Consultant The Primary French Project aims to offer the ideal solution to the challenge currently facing many primary schools. It is designed to support all primary schools in the UK that wish to teach French, and is a...
Carol Sanders, Emeritus Professor of French, University of Surrey Much has been written about le néofrançais, le français de demain, or les nouveaux mots. Yet it can be hard for both teacher and researcher to keep abreast of these neologisms as they enter the French...
Kirsty Williams, Subject Leader for Modern Foreign Languages, Newnham Middle School Bringing together French teachers from across the globe; accessing a wealth of authentic resources Have you ever thought about your international colleagues; the ones who are doing...
Suzi Bewell (The University of York) In this article, PGCE course leader and languages teacher Suzi Bewell, focusses on how busy languages teachers can keep up to date and enhance their CPD by tapping into social media. We are currently undergoing a huge period of...
Jill Fernando, British Dyslexia Association How can we respond to the needs of learners who are dyslexic, multilingual or both? This article aims to highlight some of the difficulties faced by dyslexic and/or multilingual learners and then suggests some approaches...
Jean-Benoît Alokpon (Président de l’APFA-OI) L’ASSOCIATION L’Association des Professeurs de Français pour l’Afrique et l’Océan Indien (APFA-OI) est l’une des huit Commissions que compte la Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Français (FIPF). Les sept autres...