Mike Kelly (University of Southampton) La laïcité has recently re-emerged as a focus of French political life. All main parties endorse it across the political spectrum, as do the most important institutions of civil society, including most religious organisations. La...
Jonathan Tyrens (The Grammar School at Leeds) Des changements à tire-larigot sur l’horizon. Est-ce, encore une fois, un cas de ‘plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose’? Qui sait encore? Ce qui est certain, c’est que les langues étrangères prendront une place...
Anne Preston, Paul Seedhouse, Patrick Olivier, Daniel Jackson, Phil Heslop, Jürgen Wagner, Thomas Ploetz and Saandia Ali (University of Newcastle) This article reports on the French Digital Kitchen, a French language learning project developed by human-computer...
Jean-Pierre Cuq (Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, Président de la FIPF) L’ORGANISME LE PLUS NOMBREUX DE LA FRANCOPHONIE Lors de sa création en juillet 1969, la fédération internationale des professeurs de français (FIPF) ne réunissait que 25 associations. Elles...
Image: Huw Meredith Photography Peter Downes, ‘Discovering Languages’ Project Director, Association of School and College Leaders REVIEWING THE NATIONAL CURRICULUM As many readers will know, a root-and-branch review of the national curriculum is now under way. As...
Photo: Huw Meredith Photography Kate Norman, Jack Hunt School, Peterborough With the widening of participation and the growth of confidence in the Key Stage 2 languages classroom which we have seen slowly – and in many cases painfully- over the last few years, Key...