Words: Sarah Lloyd, Freelance MFL consultant and trainer and ALL Resources Editor Thanks to a forward-thinking policy in Scottish schools, MFL teaching and learning has received a welcome boost in recent years. The Scottish Government’s “1+2” language initiative aims...
Reviewed by: Victoria Mitchell, Education Officer, ALL ‘Bon Voyage! A colouring book for lovers of all things French’ is a wonderful addition to the myriad of mindfulness colouring books which are popular with adults and children alike. Not only is colouring a picture...
Words: Joanna Alexander, The University of Nottingham talking the Talk French, German, Italian and Spanish is a series of books aimed at helping the learner to feel confident in chatting in social situations. Topics covered include: getting to know people, lifestyle...
Words: Beth Apted, A Level French student at The Ashcombe School. Mundolingua is an interactive language and linguistics museum situated in the sixth arrondissement of Paris. As a self-confessed Francophile and language nerd I was incredibly excited when I first...
Florence Brown, ALL Student Ambassador La grande illusion La grande illusion de Renoir, un film qui se déroule pendant la Première Guerre Mondiale et qui parle d’un groupe de soldats français qui essaient de fuir de la forteresse où ils sont captifs, a été nominé aux...
Words: Lisa Stevens, Primary language teacher and ALL Council member Early Language Learning: Complexity and Mixed Methods, edited by Janet Enever and Eva Lindgren Early Language Learning: Complexity and Mixed Methods is the first in a series of books published by...