Words: Leanne Hilton, MFL Coordinator and Year 6 teacher at Ashgate Primary School, Derby. Radio Labo is a 10 part series of programmes to support the learning of French in upper KS2. It includes topics covered in the curriculum such as clothing, greetings, sport and...
Guest blog by Georgia Stone, King’s College. En septembre 2015 j’ai fait mes valises, dit mes adieux, et je suis montée dans le train à destination de Paris. J’ai passé l’année scolaire 2015/16 dans la capitale de la France pour étudier à l’Université...
Promoting active learning: my first steps in the flipped classroom approach Geraldine Bourgeon, Regent’s University London As we know, students learn best by doing. Engaging students in active learning is the best way for achieving class objectives and learning...
The long and relaxing summer break provides an opportunity to not only unwind with a good book, but to also practise your reading skills, enjoy reading in a different language or simply immerse yourself in another culture. With this in mind, the Editorial Language...
Le 14 juillet is nearly upon us, so if you are celebrating la fête nationale in school, here are some fun filled ideas to get you started: Organise a little fête at lunchtime with stalls including some food tasting Pin the beret on the..? Find a famous French...