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Radio Labo

Radio Labo

Words: Leanne Hilton, MFL Coordinator and Year 6 teacher at Ashgate Primary School, Derby. Radio Labo is a 10 part series of programmes to support the learning of French in upper KS2. It includes topics covered in the curriculum such as clothing, greetings, sport and...
Un an à Paris

Un an à Paris

Guest blog by Georgia Stone, King’s College. En septembre 2015 j’ai fait mes valises, dit mes adieux, et je suis montée dans le train à destination de Paris. J’ai passé l’année scolaire 2015/16 dans la capitale de la France pour étudier à l’Université...
Summer Reads

Summer Reads

The long and relaxing summer break provides an opportunity to not only unwind with a good book, but to also practise your reading skills, enjoy reading in a different language or simply immerse yourself in another culture.  With this in mind, the Editorial Language...