Isabelle Vanderschelden, Manchester Metropolitan University INTRODUCTION Le vingt-et-unième siècle présente de nombreux défis pour l’enseignement du français et de sa diversité culturelle au Royaume Uni. Plus que jamais, les enseignants de Sixth Form doivent adapter...
Géraldine D. Enjelvin, University of York Introduction En 2011, Dominique Rateau s’interrogeait: « Pourquoi kamishibaï, tapis-lecture, et autres, envahissent-ils les crèches et les bibliothèques ? » La même année, l’éditeur Didier Jeunesse demandait, lui « Pour ou...
If you are interested in contributing as a reviewer with us, or if you have suggestions for material to be reviewed, please get in touch at: [email protected]. Reviewers will be sent the material to be reviewed as well as guidelines on writing reviews....
Virginia Harding and Deborah Luciani, Alphington Primary School, Melbourne, Australia INTRODUCTION Alphington Primary School (Government School) is situated in the riverside suburb of Alphington, 10 km outside of Melbourne’s CBD (City Business District). The school...
If you are interested in contributing as a reviewer with us, or if you have suggestions for material to be reviewed, please get in touch at: [email protected]. Reviewers will be sent the material to be reviewed as well as guidelines on writing reviews....
Catherine Cheater, Primary French Project Consultant The Primary French Project aims to offer the ideal solution to the challenge currently facing many primary schools. It is designed to support all primary schools in the UK that wish to teach French, and is a...