Colleen Marshman, News and Notes Editor I would very much welcome articles for inclusion in News and Notes. Please contact me via email: [email protected], or write to me at the address given on the contents page. JUDITH KERR PRIMARY SCHOOL In September the...
Billy Brick (Coventry University, Coventry) INTRODUCTION Most UK HE institutions provide the opportunity for students to study a foreign language or languages alongside their main degree subject. Institution-wide Language Provision (IWLP) sometimes referred to as...
Paul Francis Barrie (VKV Koç Özel İlköğretim Okulu ve Lisesi, İstanbul) GERMAN, GERMANY AND TURKEY Germany and Turkey have a long and intertwined history, which is just as relevant today as it was in the 1960s, during the Ottoman Empire and before. This relationship...
René Koglbauer (Universität Newcastle), Liz Black (Stokesley School) Jahrelange Zusammenarbeit seit der Teilnahme an einem British Council Projekt in München und gemeinsames Interesse an der deutschen Sprache aber vor allem an der Weiterentwicklung der Pädagogik im...
Sara Davidson (Oundle School) INTRODUCTION State Parties shall assure to the child who is capable of forming his or her own opinion the right to express these views freely in all matters affecting the child, the views of the child being given due weight in accordance...
Falco Pfalzgraf (University of London, Queen Mary College) Das Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations (CAGCR) wurde 2005 vom jetzigen Direktor, Professor Rüdiger Görner, gegründet, um das Studium kultureller Transfers und Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Großbritannien...