Victoria Mitchell, Education Officer, ALL LeVocab is a vocabulary quiz app for beginners to advanced learners in French, German and Spanish. If you want to practise your vocabulary in an easy and fun way then leVocab app is the app to help you do so. The user...
Mandy Wight, Reviews Editor REVIEWS The books reviewed for this edition are aimed at learners of German at Intermediate to Advanced level. Two coursebooks reviewed here are aimed specifically at learners intending to study or work in Germany: ‘Campus Deutsch- Lesen’...
The following titles are reviewed in Deutsch: Lehren und Lernen, spring 2014. Michaela Perlmann- Balme, Susanne Schwalb and Magdalena Matussek, Sicher! Deutsch als Fremdsprache Kursbuch und Arbeitsbuch B2.1 Lektion 1-6, Sicher! Deutsch als Fremdsprache Kursbuch und...
Mandy Wight, Reviews Editor Our reviews section for this issue is shorter than usual, but all 3 publications reviewed will be of interest to teachers of German in the Secondary School and Adult Education Sectors. Zwischendurch mal…Landeskunde is part of the...
The following titles are reviewed in issue 48 of Deutsch: Lehren und Lernen, autumn 2013. Charlotte Habersack, Angela Pude and Franz Specht, Menschen Deutsch als Fremdsprache Kursbuch A2.1 mit Lerner DVD-ROM and Menschen Deutsch als Fremdsprache Kursbuch A2.2 mit...
Mandy Wight, Reviews Editor Our reviews for this edition include a range of books for learners of German at all levels. In the category of coursebooks we are reviewing a new Post Beginners’ text book from Hueber, ‘Menschen’, as well as a new edition of the coursebook...