Words: Joanna Alexander, The University of Nottingham talking the Talk French, German, Italian and Spanish is a series of books aimed at helping the learner to feel confident in chatting in social situations. Topics covered include: getting to know people, lifestyle...
Words: Lisa Stevens, Primary language teacher and ALL Council member Early Language Learning: Complexity and Mixed Methods, edited by Janet Enever and Eva Lindgren Early Language Learning: Complexity and Mixed Methods is the first in a series of books published by...
Helen Giles, German teacher Backen, basteln, begeistern -my three favourite activities, and when it comes to teaching German I think it is essential to prioritise fun in order to boost students’ motivation. A year spent working in a German Kindergarten, before...
by Matilde Erco, PGCE student teacher, Bristol and ALL student ambassador Hallo zusammen, Ich heiße Matilde und ich habe gerade einen akademischen Grad in (BA) Modern Languages von der Universität von Southampton abgeschlossen. Es ist ein vierjähriger Bachelor, in...
Colleen Marshman, News and Notes Editor I would very much welcome items for inclusion in News and Notes. Please contact me via email: [email protected]. WEGWEISER ZUR BUNDESTAGSWAHL 2017 On 24 September the German people go to the polls. Despite a significant...
Lea Deitermann and Roma Schultz, Goethe-Institut London August oder September – das sind die Monate, in denen viele Kinder in Deutschland ihren ersten Schultag haben. Einige der Kinder warteten ungeduldig auf diesen Tag, andere wären gern noch länger in den...