Speed up Your German Annemarie Künzl-Snodgrass and Silke Mentchen Routledge, 2017, 223 p, £24.99 ISBN 978-1-138-83109-4 The authors claim Speed up your German to be “a unique and innovative resource” and I would definitely agree. This excellent publication is a very...
Victoria Mitchell, Education Officer, ALL LeVocab is a vocabulary quiz app for beginners to advanced learners in French, German and Spanish. If you want to practise your vocabulary in an easy and fun way then leVocab app is the app to help you do so. The user...
Shakespeares Abkehr von seinen nichtenglischen Stoffen (M. Schulz, 14.07.2016) Bei Shakespeare, wenn du hinschaust näher, gibt’s überwiegend Europäer, die in ihren Heimatlanden Komik oder Tragik fanden. Der Hamlet war ein Edeldäne, der seinem Onkel zeigt die Zähne,...
Funding is available to visit your partner school in Germany this autumn to work together on an oceans and rivers project! The UK is the partner country for the “Year of Science 2016-17 – Seas and Oceans“, organised by the German Ministry for Education and Research...
Colleen Marshman, News and Notes Editor I would very much welcome items for inclusion in News and Notes. Please contact me via email: [email protected]. Wunderbare Weihnachtsstimmung I was filled both excitement, as well as a real sense of intrigue, about 6...
Nigel Pearson, Leighton Academy, Cheshire On the 21 and 22 September 2015, Year 5 children at Leighton Academy experienced a special German language and sport activity. At Leighton we often weave language activities around the curriculum; covering dragons in German,...