Rana Mohamed, University of Greenwich Lo scorso luglio sono andata a Milano con il mio fidanzato per tutto il mese. Ho studiato l’italiano presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano per tre settimane. Il corso era organizzato dal Calcif, il Centro d’Ateneo per la...
The Festival of Italian Literature in London / Festival Italiano di Letteratura a Londra (FILL) will take place at the Coronet Theatre Notting Hill on October 21 and 22, 2017. Two days of events, over 30 speakers, authors and thinkers from different backgrounds,...
Sono una studentessa di Tedesco e Italiano all’Università di Reading, sono andata in Italia per 5 mesi (Febbraio 2017 – Luglio 2017) e ho studiato all’Università degli Studi Bergamo. Ho studiato corsi linguistici e ho seguito anche un corso di lingua italiana, livello...
Guest post by Maureen Millward I was brought up in a monolingual household near Glasgow. I had no access to foreign languages until I went to high school. At university I studied post A-level Spanish and also some Italian as a beginner. I was keen to start with...
Victoria Mitchell (Association for Language Learning) The 15 August is known as Ferragosto in Italy and marks the start of the Italian holiday period. If you happen to be in the country on that day, you will no doubt notice that most shops and restaurants will be...
Wendy Newman (Association for Language Learning) LANGUAGE TEACHING IN AUSTRALIA Australia is one of the most multilingual countries in the world. According to the 2006 census, more than 350 languages were in regular use in Australian homes and workplaces (around 150...