For teachers planning a residential or cultural visit to Berlin, Eva Lamb from ALL Yorkshire shares a treasure hunt she has put together for her regular visits there, along with the answers. Stadterkundungsspiel – BERLIN Stadterkundungsspiel – BERLIN – answers The...
In the days where we hear about declining numbers in German it is wonderful to hear about events which really enthuse students learning German. Delivered by Janine Turner at the end of the Spring Term, for Y13 pupils learning A-level German at The King’s School in...
Let’s hear it for German! Sue Gibbs, a teacher in Cumbria, speaks about her passion for the German language, why it remains relevant and important in our schools as well as some of the challenges faced. The rest of this post can only be viewed by members. Please click...
Bernadette Clinton speaks about the progress of the Hackney Bilingual Section which is trialling the teaching of Art through Spanish. The rest of this post can only be viewed by members. Please click here to...
In Textbook, handouts or a paperless lesson, Natalia Lyons explores how working with technology (apps, blogs, apps) whilst teaching languages can benefit teaching. The rest of this post can only be viewed by members. Please click here to...
We all know how important interactive education and connection with the modern realia is today. We are in a global world of education with a plethora of educational resources in both languages to choose from, both for teachers and students. One of the excellent ideas...