Anatoli Berditchevski (Institute of International Economic Relations, Burgenland, Austria) БУМ РУССКОГО ЯЗЫКА По требованию Совета Европы каждый европеец должен в 21 веке владеть, как минимyм, тремя языками: родным, одним мировым и одним соседним. Русский входит в...
Jeremy Morris (University of Birmingham) This article reports on a small-scale learning enhancement project conducted with first-year Russian Studies students at Birmingham University over one semester in 2011. The project provided a weekly face-to-face seminar...
Jane Henderson (King’s College London) LAW AND POLITICS Lenin famously asserted: ‘Law is a political measure, it is politics’. This might sound like the cynical carping of a disgruntled former law student, which indeed he was. However, his original expression «Закон...
Nadia Griffin (Russian Teachers’ Group UK), Katya Feoktistova (Oxford High School), Natalia Tronenko (Language Vision, London) Судейская коллегия, состоявшая из первоклассных специалистов в области русского слова, провела долгие часы, скрупулёзно оценивая работы...