Thomas Disney (University of Birmingham) Более двух десятилетий прошло с распада СССР. Для многих учеников и учителей pусского языка и русской культуры Советский Союз является историчечким явлением, но как и у всех исторических явлений, он имеет большое влияние на...
Nadia Griffin (Russian Teachers’ Group UK), Katya Feoktistova (Oxford High School), Natalia Tronenko (Language Vision, London) Судейская коллегия, состоявшая из первоклассных специалистов в области русского слова, провела долгие часы, скрупулёзно оценивая работы...
The following titles are reviewed in this issue: Michael Ransome and Marta Tomaszewski, На старт, Внимание, Марш!. Reviewed by Jane Nashvili Michele A. Berdy, The Russian Word’s Worth. A humorous and informative guide to Russian language, culture, and translation....
Andrew Jameson, Reviews Editor (Editor’s Note: All reviews are by Andrew Jameson unless otherwise indicated.) RUSSIAN TEXTBOOKS На старт, Внимание, Марш! Michael Ransome and Marta Tomaszewski Available from Classroom Resources, PO...
Andrew Jameson, Reviews Editor Food and Everyday Life in the Post-Socialist World Melissa L Caldwell, ed. Indiana University Press, 2009, 231pp, £17.99 ISBN 978-0-253-22139-1 A curious feature of the socialist countries is that their generally unsuccessful doctrinaire...
Ursula Stohler, Charles University Prague & Elena Makarova, University of Bern This paper discusses the didactic usefulness of games in foreign language teaching and highlights the most important points for language teachers who want to introduce games in their...