Lirica is all about learning languages through music! What could be more fun?! Our friends at Lirica have kindly offered to help and support Spanish teachers through giving one month’s free access to their resources! For more details see here
Bernadette Clinton speaks about the progress of the Hackney Bilingual Section which is trialling the teaching of Art through Spanish. The rest of this post can only be viewed by members. Please click here to...
Alison Hayes, York St John University Supporting a student with a visual impairment over two semesters has been a challenge requiring a few changes to our systems. We did not always get everything right the first time, but we learnt as we went on and it has been...
Irene Macias (University of Bath) Anyone who follows what goes on in Spain can’t have failed to read about , or indeed seen footage of, Madrid’s Mayor Ana Botella’s (or Annie Bottle, as she has been quickly nicknamed), now infamous speech to the Olympic Committee...
Irene López Rodríguez (Liceo Europeo, Madrid, Spain) INTRODUCCIÓN En la España del Siglo de Oro el papel de la mujer se circunscribe al locus doméstico gobernado por una figura masculina, ya sea el padre o el marido. Las aspiraciones personales y familiares de la...
Mike Zollo (Totnes) Having spent a total of almost three months in Spain so far this year, I have been able to glean many of the items below from Spanish television and from the experiences of everyday life, rather than relying just on the Internet. Once again, I have...