Sarah Stidolph (Le Français Pour Les Petits) The Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP) method is a very effective way of teaching new vocabulary to children. In my experience a lesson which includes all of these stages can help them learn more efficiently. At...
Christine Guedri Giacalone (College of Saint Elizabeth, USA), Zachary F. Miller (United States Military Academy) INTRODUCTION When acquiring a new language a learner often searches for similarities from the first language (L1) to make connections with the second (L2)...
Beatriz Gómez Acuña, John Taylor (Elmhurst College, USA) INTRODUCCIÓN ¿Cómo es la España del año 2013? Muchas personas contestarán esta pregunta usando adjetivos como pluralista, democrática, progresiva, liberal o globalizada. Sin duda, España es una sólida democracia...
John C. McIntyre (Glasgow) INTRODUCTION Though the trawl below takes a lot of preparation (around 40 hours per month of reading and editing), there are bonuses. From day to day and week to week a developing major issue allows constant reinforcement of the core...
Mike Zollo (Totnes) ¡BIENVENIDOS AL NOTICIARIO! For this edition of Noticiario I had been amassing potential material for many months, having had little response in the past to my appeals for contributions from readers. As my father (also a teacher) used to say, ‘If...
Nuria López (Newcastle) Bienvenidos al número 46 de Vida Hispánica y feliz Día Europeo de las Lenguas. Espero que hacer coincidir el lanzamiento de Vida Hispánica a formato digital con este día sea un buen augurio para el futuro de esta revista y del aprendizaje y...