Words: Kerry Phipps, primary languages teacher. Title Ruby Red Riding Hood Author Jonny Pyn and Alex Somervell Illustrated by Hannah Hutchings Publisher One Third Stories Ltd, 2017 ISBN 978-0-9956357-6-0 Length 15 pages Price From £12.49 per month One Third Stories is...
The long and relaxing summer break provides an opportunity to not only unwind with a good book, but to also practise your reading skills, enjoy reading in a different language or simply immerse yourself in another culture. With this in mind, the Editorial Language...
Victoria Mitchell, Education Officer, ALL LeVocab is a vocabulary quiz app for beginners to advanced learners in French, German and Spanish. If you want to practise your vocabulary in an easy and fun way then leVocab app is the app to help you do so. The user...
The following titles are reviewed in issue 48 of Vida Hispánica, autumn 2013. Abigail Hardwick, Isabel Alonso de Sudea and María Isabel Isern Vivancos, Zoom Español 2. Reviewed by David Sutton. Val Levick, Glenise Radford and Alasdiar McKeane, Spanish GCSE Speaking...
Noelia Alcarazo, Reviews Editor If you are interested in contributing as a reviewer with us, or if you have suggestions for material to be reviewed, please get in touch with me at: [email protected]. Reviewers will be sent the material to be reviewed as...
The following titles are reviewed in issue 47 of Vida Hispánica, spring 2013. Isabel Alonso de Sudea, María Isabel Isern Vivancos and Abigail Hardwick, Zoom español 1. Reviewed by Kate Norman Neus Sans Baulenas, Enersto Martín Peris and Agustín Garmendia, Bitácora...