Noelia Alcarazo (Reviews Editor) If you are interested in contributing a review to Vida Hispánica, or if you have suggestions for material to be reviewed, please get in touch with me at [email protected]. Reviewers will be sent the material to be...
The following titles are reviewed in this issue: Agencia ELE (3) (B1.1) Libro del alumno. Reviewed by David Sutton Eva Maria Lloret Ivorra, Rosa Ribas, Bibiana Wiener, Margarita Görrissen, Marianne Häuptle-Barcélo and Pilar Pérez Cañizares, ¡Nos Vemos! (A1-A2) Libro...
Noelia Alcarazo, Reviews Editor If you are interested in contributing as a reviewer with us, or if you have suggestions for material to be reviewed, please get in touch with me at: [email protected]. Reviewers will be sent the material to be reviewed as...
Noelia Alcarazo, Reviews Editor Puntoycoma Various Authors Habla con Eñe, also available via Language Direct Issue 35, March-April 2012, 46pp and issue 36, May-June 2012, 50pp (Punto y Coma is an audio magazine, published six times a year, for intermediate to advanced...