A summary of Languages Today magazine content in 2011/12. Autumn 2011 For this issue, our language focus was on Mandarin: where, how and why it is being learnt in the UK, and what support is available to schools who would like to introduce it. – We...
A summary of Languages Today magazine content in 2010/11. Autumn 2010 Our September 2010 issue was dedicated to the Olympic & Paralympic Games in 2012, and what language teachers did to celebrate it: – the projects being done in schools to link in...
A summary of Languages Today magazine content in 2009/10. Autumn 2009 Le Tour du GTP, the LAFTAs, and the Global Dimension – a taster of what was included in issue 3: – the European Award for Languages, the Nihongo Speech Contest, and Brian Page...
A summary of the content of the first few Languages Today magazines in 2009. Spring 2009 Using phonics in a fun way, surviving the new secondary curriculum, and partnering an overseas school – a taster of issue 1: Good news for language learning, Trying...