Language Futures is a highly personalised, innovative and creative approach to language teaching and learning suitable for both primary and secondary schools. It has been designed to foster deep learner engagement and enable pupils to take responsibility for their own...
Hackney Learning Trust was invited by Baroness Cousins, (Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Languages), to showcase their unique MFL provision to the committee at the House of Lords on Monday 19 March. A team made up of experts, consultants, teachers...
Two academics from the University of Birmingham have developed ‘Songs without Borders’, a workshop programme to get Year 9/Key Stage 3 pupils interested in French, poetry and music, and combining all three to produce an original piece of art. The workshop programme,...
More than three in four British business leaders believe speaking Mandarin will give school leavers a career advantage over their counterparts, according to a survey published this week by YouGov. The new survey, commissioned by the Mandarin Excellence Programme, aims...
The Association for Language Learning (ALL) wants to encourage all language teachers to keep on reading. To this end ALL has published a number of article collections to pique your interest and give you a burst of inspiration. Our articles and publications are written...
The Northern Ireland Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research (NICILT), has recently launched a call for undergraduate students of French, Irish and Spanish at Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) to ‘adopt a class’ of twelve year olds at their former...