Day 10… of 12 days of Christmas from ALL

Day 10… of 12 days of Christmas from ALL

On the 10th day of ALL’s 12 days of Christmas we thought we would revisit our first offer! So many of you took advantage of this offer and sampled our online edition of our flagship publication Languages Today that we thought we would give away an online subscription,...
Day 9… of 12 days of Christmas from ALL

Day 9… of 12 days of Christmas from ALL

On the 9th day of ALL’s 12 days of Christmas we’d like to enhance your experience at our flagship conference – Language World 2018 by offering you a chance to:- Win a FREE place at the Conference Dinner, Language World 2018.* #ALL12daysxmas. Are you...
Day 8… of 12 days of Christmas from ALL

Day 8… of 12 days of Christmas from ALL

On the 8th day of ALL’s 12 days of Christmas we have teamed up with one of our Corporate Members b-small publishing for a special Christmas offer:- 20% off b small language books this Christmas.  Visit and search ‘languages’ – use the code...
Day 7… of 12 days of Christmas from ALL

Day 7… of 12 days of Christmas from ALL

On the 7th day of ALL’s 12 days of Christmas our offer to you is:- A free day delegate place at Language World 2018 on Saturday 24 March 2018, for one NEW Student Member joining online TODAY! Join now! Follow us on Twitter (@ALL4language) or like us on Facebook to see...
Day 6… of 12 days of Christmas from ALL

Day 6… of 12 days of Christmas from ALL

On the 6th day of ALL’s 12 days of Christmas we want to give you a little help with your Christmas shopping! Our offer today is:- 25% off everything in our online shop.  All you need to do is apply the coupon 12daysxmas-25 to your shopping basket at checkout.  Plus,...
Day 5… of 12 days of Christmas from ALL

Day 5… of 12 days of Christmas from ALL

Friday is the 5th day of ALL’s 12 days of Christmas and today our offer to you is:- A FREE Head of Languages Handbook (ebook) for someone, randomly chosen, from those who follow ALL and retweet an ALL tweet today.  #ALL12daysxmas. Follow us on Twitter (@ALL4language)...