Launch of Head of Languages Handbook

Launch of Head of Languages Handbook

You can now purchase the downloadable publication ‘The Head of Languages Handbook’ from the ALL store. The publication includes chapters on Reviewing the departments, Raising the MFL profile and Solving problems and is intended for anyone with a MFL...
Brexit Update 15 March 2017

Brexit Update 15 March 2017

Podcast on the rights of UK citizens in the EU: Jon Henley, joined by Jane Golding and Jennifer Rankin discuss the rights of UK citizens living in other EU countries post-Brexit. Vocational training shake-up: Vocational training will receive an extra £500m a year in a...
Brexit Update 15 March 2017

Brexit Update 02 March 2017

Statement regarding Britain’s withdrawal from the EU, released on 10 February by the President of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain, (AGB), David Adger, along with representatives from a number of other UK learned societies concerned with linguistics...
Return to Teaching Programme

Return to Teaching Programme

A second round of applications for the Returners Engagement Programme pilot in the north-west and south-east of England went live on Friday 27 January 2017. This programme is aimed at providing training and employment for former teachers wishing to return to the...