ALL’s Christmas Office Hours

ALL’s Christmas Office Hours

The Association would like to wish all of our members, volunteers, partners and sponsors a restful and well deserved Christmas break. Please be aware that our office will be closed between 5pm on Friday 22 December 2017 until 9am on Tuesday 02 January 2018. See you in...
And on the 12th day of Christmas from ALL …

And on the 12th day of Christmas from ALL …

Our final and best offer for the festive season, completes ALL’s 12 days of Christmas.  Our members constantly tell us that ALL is great value and really supports them every day in the classroom and in their ongoing professional development as languages...
Unlocking talent, fulfilling potential

Unlocking talent, fulfilling potential

The Association for Language Learning (ALL) welcomes the recently published DfE Social Mobility Plan (December 2017), Unlocking Talent, Fulfilling Potential, recognising that there are many challenges to improving educational experiences and outcomes for young people...
Day 11… of 12 days of Christmas from ALL

Day 11… of 12 days of Christmas from ALL

On the 11th day of ALL’s 12 days of Christmas we’d like to inspire the next generation of language teachers by offering a trainee teacher, student or NQT the chance to:- Win FREE student/NQT membership of ALL for a whole year!  For any non-member randomly chosen...