by cristahazell | Mar 11, 2022 | Language News, News, Online Event, Practitioner Focus, Primary, Primary News, Secondary, Secondary News
Dyslexia and language teaching A new course from Futurelearn runs from 25th of April – 22nd of May 2022. This exciting course is offered by Lancaster University in cooperation with FutureLearn and takes place over four weeks entirely online. It is aimed at teachers of...
by cristahazell | Jul 22, 2020 | ALL Event, ALL Language, ALL Local, ALL News, Competitions, East Anglia, East Midlands, London, News, North East, North East Event, North West, Northern Ireland, Online Event, South East, South West, Wales, West Midlands, What's New, Yorkshire & Humber
Poetry in other languages celebration – pilot 2020 This is a spin-off from the competition (Strictly Speaking) which ALLNE had planned to pilot this year in the region and which was not possible in the circumstances. It targets Year 8 students in the hope of...