by cristahazell | Jan 28, 2021 | Language News, News, Secondary News, What's New
ALL is grateful to Sonja Fedrizzi from our sister organisation in Scotland (SALT) for sharing her thoughts on the New Normal. At the 2020 annual SALT conference, I was fortunate to share my experience of teaching ML in the ‘new normal’. My presentation,...
by charlottelr | Jan 20, 2021 | ALL Event, ALL News, Celebration, Competitions, Corporate Member News, French Zone, German Zone, Language News, News, Primary, Primary News, Secondary, Secondary News, Spanish Zone, What's New
We all know that Speaking a language confidently and coherently is an important thing, and forms a critical part of linguistic and cultural development for all learners of languages. One of the impacts of COVID-19 has meant that many pupils have had fewer...
by cristahazell | Jan 18, 2021 | ALL News, News, Secondary, Secondary News, Teacher Briefings
Theme: OFQUAL / DfE Consultation on how GCSE, AS and A-level grades should be awarded in Summer 2021 Background: The remit for this consultation emerged from letters on 13th January between the Secretary of State and OFQUAL. Consultation is open until Friday 29...
by cristahazell | Jan 13, 2021 | News, Primary, Primary News, Secondary, Secondary News, What's New
With remote education becoming the norm for many learners across most phases, Ofsted released guidance on ‘What’s working well in remote education’ on January 11th. The guidance which defines ‘remote education’, seeks to end some...
by cristahazell | Jan 7, 2021 | Corporate Member News, News, Secondary News
Ofqual have now published the following in response to the Secretary of State’s address to the House of Commons yesterday: We are working with the Department and will begin to consult widely next week on possible arrangements for GCSEs, A levels and vocational and...
by cristahazell | Oct 14, 2020 | ALL News, Corporate Member News, Discussion Area, Language News, News, Secondary News, Teacher Briefings
Theme: GCSE Languages 2021 Background: OFQUAL was tasked by the Secretary of State in Autumn 2020 with mitigating the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on schooling in the academic years 2019-20 and 2020-21. For Languages the major recommendation was to make...