by cristahazell | Jun 19, 2020 | Action research, Discussion Area, Events, Language News, News, Primary, Secondary, Secondary News, What's New
Teaching and Learning Languages in Primary Schools: Putting Research into Practice. A new MOOC (free online course). A team of researchers at the Universities of Southampton, Essex and Reading have developed a free online course, open to anyone, to encourage...
by cristahazell | Jun 19, 2020 | Arabic events, Competitions, French events, German events, Italian events, Japanese events, Language News, Mandarin events, News, Portuguese events, Primary, Primary events, Russian events, Secondary, Secondary events, Spanish events, What's New, World languages events
This year’s Routes into Languages East Mother Tongue Other Tongue poetry competition is now open. It is aimed at encouraging school students whose first language wasn’t English to share their Mother Tongue by remembering or creating poetry written in their...
by cristahazell | May 11, 2020 | ALL Sector, CM Event, Corporate Member, Corporate Member News, German Discussions, German event, German Network, German News, German Zone, Language News, News, Primary, Secondary, What's New
Nominations for the 17th Annual German Teacher Award are open, again but are closing soon! Our wonderful colleagues at the German Embassy in London have extended their deadline to nominate your outstanding German Teacher! Exciting! So a reminder of what you need to...
by cristahazell | May 11, 2020 | French Zone, German Zone, Language News, News, Other Event, Resources, Secondary, Secondary events, Secondary News, Spanish Zone, Student News, Wales, What's New
Professor Claire Gorrara, one of our inspirational speakers at Language World 2020, spoke to the conference direct from Cardiff University about the language mentoring project which started in Wales and is now available to schools in England through the Languages...
by cristahazell | May 1, 2020 | ALL Sector, Corporate Member News, Discussion Area, News, Secondary, Secondary News, What's New
As you are aware the Ofqual consultation on arrangements for exam grading and assessment in 2020 closed recently. Please see the The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Modern Languages (APPG MFL) response here. APPFMFLtoOfqual27.04.20
by cristahazell | Apr 15, 2020 | Language News, News, Primary, Primary Resources, Resources, Secondary, What's New
Our friends at EAL Hub have resources freely available here to ensure that in these unprecedented circumstances that everyone is a learner. There is lots to choose from to help all learners continue their learning at distance or indeed if they are in school from...