by cristahazell | Mar 17, 2020 | ALL Event, ALL Language, ALL Local, ALL News, ALL Sector, Arabic event, Arabic events, Arabic News, CM Event, Corporate Member, East Anglia, East Anglia Event, East Midlands, East Midlands Event, Events, French event, French events, French Network, German event, German events, German Network, German News, Italian event, Italian events, Italian Network, Italian News, ITET events, ITET news, Japanese event, Japanese events, Japanese Network, Japanese News, Language Networks, Language News, London, London Event, Mandarin event, Mandarin events, Mandarin news, News, North East, North East Event, North West, North West Event, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland Event, Other Event, Portuguese events, Portuguese news, Primary events, Primary News, Project News, Russian event, Russian events, Russian Network, Russian news, Secondary, Secondary events, Secondary News, South East, South East Event, South West, South West Event, Spanish event, Spanish events, Spanish Network, Spanish news, Student, Student Events, Student News, Teacher Briefings, Trainee events, Uncategorized, Wales, Wales Event, West Midlands, West Midlands Event, What's New, World Languages, World languages event, World languages events, World languages news, Yorkshire & Humber, Yorkshire & the Humber Event
Dear Colleagues, In light of the rapidly changing circumstances and advice around Covid-19, the decision has been taken by ALL Management Board to cancel or postpone all events, workshops or seminars up to Easter 2020 (12th April 2020) with immediate effect. We will...
by cristahazell | Feb 24, 2020 | Action research, ALL Sector, Corporate Member, Discussion Area, Initiatives, Pedagogy, Primary events, Secondary, Secondary events, Teacher Briefings, Uncategorized, What's New
Theme: Effects of high-quality professional development on teachers and students Background: A new report (February 2020) from the Education Policy Institute undertakes a detailed review of the evidence on the impact of teacher professional development. The Key...
by cristahazell | Feb 18, 2020 | ALL News, ALL Sector, Corporate Member News, Discussion Area, News, Uncategorized
Need help inspiring learners, their parents and perhaps colleagues as to why they should be learning languages? Looking at the science of learning and why it’s never too late to learn a language, read the article and review of The Bilingual Brain by Albert Costa...
by cristahazell | Feb 18, 2020 | ALL Sector, Corporate Member, Discussion Area, News, Uncategorized
What role do languages, humanities and social sciences have to play in shaping the 2020s? Nine Fellows of the British Academy, representing a wide range of academic disciplines, set out the challenges and opportunities they see for their subjects over the next decade....
by cristahazell | Feb 18, 2020 | Brexit news, Discussion Area, News, Uncategorized
The much loved and highly beneficial ERASMUS scheme is again under discussion. Read the latest article from the BBC here. The rest of this post can only be viewed by members. Please click here to...
by cristahazell | Feb 18, 2020 | Corporate Member, Discussion Area, News, Uncategorized, What's New, World languages news
Since publication, this article and infographics ranking the 100 most spoken languages around the world has been causing a bit of a stir amongst teachers, especially languages teachers, across the globe. If you love languages, read more here. The rest of this post...