Dear Colleagues, In light of the rapidly changing circumstances and advice around Covid-19, the decision has been taken by ALL Management Board to cancel or postpone all events, workshops or seminars up to Easter 2020 (12th April 2020) with immediate effect. We will...
Interested in Research? Our colleagues at the University of Oxford are offering all MFL teachers and trainees the opportunity to share their views on MFL curriculum and specifically: what should be included in the MFL curriculum the sorts of activities through which...
Theme: Effects of high-quality professional development on teachers and students Background: A new report (February 2020) from the Education Policy Institute undertakes a detailed review of the evidence on the impact of teacher professional development. The Key...
Since publication, this article and infographics ranking the 100 most spoken languages around the world has been causing a bit of a stir amongst teachers, especially languages teachers, across the globe. If you love languages, read more here. The rest of this post...
Professor Neil Kenny, one of our Language World speakers has been commenting on the British Council released from Monday, focusing on the gender gap in modern foreign languages at GCSE. Read more here The rest of this post can only be viewed by members. Please click...
The Association for Language Learning is delighted to announce that its call for submissions for talks and workshops is now open for Language World 2018. Language World 2018 will take place at Jurys Inn, Hinckley Island, Leicestershire, from 23-24 March 2018. It is a...