With the UK-German Tandem Challenge pupils can keep in touch with their German friend, tandem partner or host brother or sister while discovering each other’s cultures, having fun taking photos and educating others, too!
How does it work?
- Partners discuss topics from our specially designed challenge board, exploring interesting aspects of both cultures together
- They take photos to display the topics they discussed
- Pairs write about their intercultural discoveries and submit their findings which will be shared across UK-German Connection channels in the autumn
It’s a great way to get to know someone better or rejuvenate an existing partnership. You could even take part as a class, pairing up with a class at your partner school and allocating a topic per pair.
More information and how to take part: www.ukgermanconnection.org/tandem-challenge
Available until: 15 September 2020
We have recently posted about the activity on social media if you could like/share:
Twitter: twitter.com/ukgconnection/status/1296074852391165956
Instagram: www.instagram.com/p/CEErYiDHSrH/
As mentioned a few weeks ago, deadlines for the following are also coming up next month:
*Have your say* on the future of UK-German activities! (Deadline 15th September)
*Host a teacher* from Germany for one, two or three weeks in 2020/21 (Sign up by 18 September for autumn slots or by 1 December for 2021 slots.)