ECT Years
Newly qualified as a language teacher?
The ITT Ofsted Inspection Framework highlights the importance of professional subject associations like ALL e.g. the ITE curriculum prepares trainees for a fulfilling and successful career as a teacher. Trainees are taught how to manage their workloads and how to maintain their own health and welfare, as well as how to engage with relevant subject and/or scholarly communities, including communities of practice relating to technical and vocational training, where relevant. (‘Professional behaviours’.)
ALL offers information, guidance, peer-to-peer support and CPD events to primary and secondary language teachers through its professional networks around the country. If you are an Early Career Teacher, then we have a special membership package for you. Join here.
We are here for you from your first to your final day of teaching, with information to support you at every career stage. As time progresses we hope you may feel able to share ideas with others, including the next generation of trainee teachers and ECTs. We encourage you to retain your membership so that you can develop your professional skills perhaps as a speaker within an ALL Local Group or online, or a writer, reviewer of resources or contributor to one of our online collections or our termly magazine, Languages Today.
The more you explore your membership benefits and engage with the Association, the more you, your students and your school will benefit. Ongoing membership of your subject association is a worthwhile investment in your professional future.
Here is a list of links and resources which are especially relevant to you as an ECT here. ‘ALL as your Language teaching career begins’ [pdf download]
Under the previous Government (up until July 2024 and are susceptible to change).
The early career framework (ECF) sets out what early career teachers are entitled to learn about and learn how to do when they start their careers. It underpins the entitlement to 2 years of professional development designed to help early career teachers develop their practice, knowledge and working habits.
September 2025 onwards
From September 2025, the initial teacher training and early career framework will replace this framework.
Both frameworks list the requirements of 8 standards which build on Initial Teacher Training and which can be well supported by the benefits offered by membership of ALL.
Follow the link Join: ECT teachers to find out about how ALL can continue this support, at a reduced rate for the first 2 years of qualified teaching.