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ALL Decolonising the Primary Languages Curriculum SIG – Spring 2025 online meeting

March 19 @ 17:30 - 18:30


We are excited to announce our Spring 2025 on-line meeting for our ALL Decolonising the Primary Languages Curriculum SIG. It will be held on Wednesday 19th March 2025 from 5.30 to 6.30 p.m.


Our focus will again be on resources exploring how we can approach the teaching of a culture we are not of or familiar with. Maud Waret, in her role as senior curriculum developer, continues to guide us in examining the resources available to us by ensuring we do not fall into the ‘cultural trap of unfamiliarity’. All will be explained at the meeting. So put the date in your calendar.


We have invited colleagues from Kings University College, who share our decolonising the curriculum endeavours. They will discuss the Australian culture and inform us further in our learning and our own attempt to decolonise our language curriculum, in the classroom.


This will be an opportunity for us to reflect on the choice of authentic resources for primary pupils and the importance of creating a more equal and inclusive society for the adults of tomorrow.

Join us to listen, to explore and to reflect on how crucial a decolonised curriculum is for a fairer and just world.


As always, we invite you to bring your own ideas to share as well as to tell us about the resources you are using to make a difference.


Registration link to follow.






March 19
17:30 - 18:30
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