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Film Study Day
March 5, 2025
ALL Yorkshire in partnership with Sheffield Hallam University is again organising its popular
Film Study Day on Wednesday, 5th March 2025
Venue: Hallam University, City Campus,
(Charles Street Building; please note: this is different from last year)
Please reserve places for your students now, as numbers are limited due to space.
Talk on the cultural historical context of the film
Pre-screening workshop
Film screening (film titles t.b.c.)
Post-film workshop
Target groups:
Y12/13 students studying French / German / Spanish at A-Level.
high-achieving Y11 students considering A-Level
(please note, we are looking to balance the number of KS4/KS5 students and so are only able to accept Y11
students with an equal or greater number of Y12/13s from your school)
Aim of the events:
For Y11 students: to offer an introduction to A-Level film study
For Y12/13 students: to consolidate film study techniques and associated language
To explore an A-Level cultural topic
To allow students to immerse themselves in the language for a day
To allow students to interact with others from another school / year group / key stage
Cost: £ 12 per student
Accompanying teacher(s) are free.
To reserve places please contact [email protected] , stating:
Name of school
Numbers per year group (Y11 / Y12 / Y13) per language
We will contact you again early in January with further information, booking and payment details.
Places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis, so you may want to start the process at your school now (establishing interest with students, requesting permission from school management etc).