ALL Social Zoom for ECTs and trainees

ALL - Online

ALL Social Zoom for ECTs and trainees   1st October 2024 from 18h00 on Zoom Our focus is on encouraging language learners from early stages to use the language they have learnt for personal or creative purposes, in writing or speaking, in order to foster engagement and motivation. If you would like to contribute a short […]

ALL London Reception for Trainee Teachers – Monday 14th October 2024, UCL

UCL Institute of Education University College London, 20 Bedford Way, London, United Kingdom

ALL London Reception for Trainee Teachers Monday 14th October 2024 16:30 - 18:00 UCL Institute of Education All trainee teachers from all sectors (primary and secondary) are invited to come along to this free event to find out about The Association for Language Learning, an independent professional language association which puts you in touch with […]

ALL Primary Languages Conference Online

ACAPULCO - online

ALL Primary Languages Conference Online 2024 On Saturday 16th November you are invited to the 5th ALL Primary Languages Conference Online. The theme of the conference is ‘Making Difference’. There is a great line-up of presenters speaking about SEND, culture and creativity, DELTEA project, transformative transition, supporting non-specialists, using AI and the international dimension. The keynote presentation will be […]