Join others all across the continent on 26 September to celebrate the annual European Day of Languages – with a song!
A quick activity, easy to manage, for teachers and pupils in Primary schools in the UK and around the continent!
All you need: Internet access, sound and projection equipment
What you do: visit the LANGUAGE MAGICIAN website. Click on RESOURCES. Click on THE LANGUAGE MAGICIAN song – Singalong. And pick the language version you want to singalong to! (French German, Italian, Spanish or English). The words appear on the screen. All songs use the same tune, so you could try more than one! And, if you are teaching a different language, you can pick the orchestral version and make up your own words to fit!
If you can, take a snap, or recording, of the performance to share with us #LMagic #EDLangs
P.S. While you are there, please Register as a Teacher to use THE LANGUAGE MAGICIAN game with your classes too – Click on the green button on the Home page. It costs nothing! Watch the trailer to get the idea!