As the end of the year approaches, why not plan a themed celebration of languages?

General ideas for a themed day:

  • Invite children to come to school dressed in the colours of the flag of the language they are learning or as a famous person from that country
  • Decorate the hall/school reception with flags and poster from different countries
  • Hold a language breakfast e.g. croissants, pain au chocolat
  • Why not take the register in a different language? Find greetings in different languages here.  See how many you can learn.
  • Hold a multilingual assembly
  • Invite parents who are EAL speakers to give language tasters in their mother tongue
  • Invite governors, families, the mayor, local MP to visit and observe activities. Perhaps there are local foreign firms who would like to get involved too?
  • Read ‘Thinking about arranging a languages festival?’ blog post for language festival ideas shared by Hilary Scholes, department leader for MFL in Luton
  • Take a look at ALL’s Pinterest boards of extensive language learning collections
Cross-curricular ideas:


  • Choose an artist and create artwork in the style of…
  • Make a fridge magnet with a greeting/phrase in a target language.  Small adhesive magnets can be bought here.
  • Design a key ring for a European country
  • Find a host of ideas here

Classroom Games

  • Pin the beret on the..? Find a famous French celebrity on which to pin the beret!
  • Play a circle game but using vocabulary from a different country, e.g. fruit salad, fizz buss, duck duck goose.

Food Technology

  • Organise a food tasting of foods from other countries. Set up a stall/fête at lunchtime
  • Do some cooking with ingredients from other countries (try Cooking with Languages recipes and activities)
  • Ask the school kitchen to provide a continental or themed lunch

Geography / Maths

  • Create a travel brochure – collect from travel agents and make a collage including greetings and other useful phrases
  • Make fact files on countries (how to say greetings, their capital city, population etc.)
  • Make a passport from a different country
  • Where would you like to go? Plan a trip around Europe
  • Currency and maths – what money will need if you go there? Try some maths warm ups using that currency
  • Have an Eiffel Tower competition – who can create an Eiffel Tower using spaghetti (or straws) with marshmallows and jelly tots


  • Read a story from another country. Have a look on ALL’s literature wiki for inspiration or try a book from onethirdstories
  • Look for “loan” words from different countries around the world and create a poster. Make it into a homework competition. How many borrowed words can students find?
  • Research a famous celebrity from a European country and write their biography



  • Hold a football tournament (or other sport) with teams representing different countries. Find out about Handball auf Deutsch here.
  • Investigate games from another country and learn to play one
  • Find ways to combine a language with PE here

If you have an idea that you would like to share, please contact [email protected]

Further reading

How to put on a performance based languages event

Thinking about arranging a languages festival

Ways to sustain the profile of languages

International Mother Language Day

Using ‘The Gruffalo’ to inspire language learning

How to teach languages through art

Superb ways to combine a language with PE