In September, we received some fantastic news from the British Council – ALL is part of a successful KA2 ERASMUS + application and along with our partners has been awarded funding for the ELAPSE project.

ELAPSE (Embedding Languages Across Primary and Secondary Education) aims to develop primary and secondary language teachers’ awareness of CLIL and soft CLIL methodology transnationally and build teachers’ confidence and expertise to adopt a cross-curricular approach to the planning and delivery of language lessons. It will involve the creation of a good practice guide as well as resources for teachers of English, French, German and Spanish as additional languages while focusing on Literacy, Numeracy, STEM subjects and Health and Wellbeing. There will also be an online course and training opportunities for teachers in participating countries.

The project will be led by ALL Corporate Member, LFEE Europe, who has significant experience in leading projects and training for teachers across Scotland as well as immersion courses across Europe as part of ERASMUS + KA1. As well as ALL, partners include the University of Vienna, l’Académie de Montpellier, CAFI in Xunta de Galicia and Centro de Formación del Profesorado en Idiomas in Castilla y Leon.

Richard Tallaron, director of LFEE Europe said: “We are delighted to be coordinating such an ambitious and exciting project. Working closely with ALL and other prestigious and experienced International partners will allow us to create innovative resources to support learning and teaching languages in the Primary/Secondary transition stage. We will be able to integrate some of these resources into our Immersion Courses in France and Spain under the Erasmus+ KA1 programme”.

Jane Harvey, ALL President said: “ALL Is delighted to be a partner in the ELAPSE project and we are very much looking forward to working with our international partners and sharing the project results and CLIL materials and guidance we will produce with language teachers across the UK

To find out more about the project, please visit the LFEE website or email Ros Main.