Join your professional community!

The Association for Language Learning (ALL) is the UK's major subject association for teachers of foreign languages. We support and represent teachers of all languages in all sectors. Whether you're a generalist primary teacher, a languages co-ordinator in a primary school, a specialist secondary languages teacher or Curriculum lead for languages, we can offer you the support you need.

Become a member

We have a range of packages available to suit your situation, and all include a host of benefits.

Why Join ALL?

Being an ALL member has given me access to a nationwide community of friendly linguists with whom I share many ambitions, experiences and values. I enjoy reading the ALL magazine to learn about the latest trends in MFL teaching and to pick up some tips, but for me, the greatest benefit of ALL membership is access to the in-person events. We have all missed out on these recently due to the pandemic, so they are arguably more important now than ever. Meeting ALL members from different schools reminds you that you are not alone in facing the challenges of MFL teaching. ALL events give you fresh ideas, a renewed sense of purpose in your everyday work and greater cause for optimism for the future. Come and join us!

Richard Walters
Haberdashers' Boys' School

Benefit from the support and encouragement of fellow practitioners across the country

I love the opportunities for professional development and networking, sharing good practice with like-minded colleagues from different contexts. We can learn so much from one another! I also value the opportunity to be involved in the ALL London Branch to meet local MFL enthusiasts.

Anna Lise Gordon, Director, Institute of Education, St Mary's University, Twickenham. National Teaching Fellow.





Stay motivated with regular boosts of ideas and inspiration

I joined ALL as soon as I found out about it. I wanted to be part of something larger than just my school languages department.  Initially I wanted to learn, gain new ideas for teaching and learning. Later I wanted also to share my practice with others and feel I was giving something back to the profession. I will be a member of ALL as long as I continue in teaching (and probably much longer!) because the two go hand in hand. As an ALL member I am better informed, more discerning and critical, more supported and more enthusiastic in my job!

Dr Rachel Hawkes, Director of International Education and Research, Comberton Academy Trust.

Keep up to date with the latest news and developments

It is particularly important now as there are very few language advisers left and belonging to the association helps teachers to find out important information about changes to Programmes of Study, examination board specifications and the latest research too.

Liz Black, PGCE tutor and Curriculum Area Leader at University of York and freelance consultant.






Why Join ALL?

Judith Rifeser round

Discover and apply new teaching methods, resources and technologies

Members of ALL benefit from becoming part of a great community where working together and sharing resources, ideas and knowledge are treasured. It is important to feel that there are others out there who are just as passionate about language learning and teaching as you are and encourage you to fulfil your dreams and strive to become the best you can be.

Judith Rifeser, educational practitioner in MFL & EAL and postgraduate research student, University of Roehampton.





Take control of your professional development

Joining ALL and becoming an active member has been very beneficial for my own professional development: I have become more involved with the Association and I have been part of a supportive network of professionals. I now contribute to Languages Today magazine, sit on the ALL Council and have delivered workshops for the Association.  There are many ways we can contribute to support the Association and I encourage anyone to become an active member!

Karine Harrington, languages teacher and independent consultant.



Having your voice heard

We all have opinions and would like our concerns to be heard – ALL enables this and gives weight to our arguments.

Lisa Stevens, Primary language educator and consultant, Whitehouse Common Primary School and Welford Primary School










10 good reasons to join ALL:

Keep up to date: via high quality publications, a specialist website, our termly magazine Languages Today and weekly ebulletin ALLNet.

Keep in touch: through local, regional and national events as well as social networks via our Primary Hubs, Branches and Networks where you can benefit from locally driven professional development and develop your own skills.

Evidence your professionalism: by being an active member and updating your subject/professional knowledge through our Teacher Briefings.

Access high quality professional development and networking opportunities: including the annual Language World conference.

Join others in your specialist area: ALL has Committees interested in specific languages and active Special Interest Groups for ITET, World Languages, Primary Education, Adult Education, etc.

Be part: of the International community of Language teachers.

Connect with: the research community, discovering and applying new teaching methods, resources and technologies.

Make your voice heard: in policy making: have your say in what new accreditations and curricula should look like; take part in government consultations and inform the decision-makers.

Access resources: through projects ALL has run, now available online.

Save money: through discounts on publications and events.

10 good reasons postcard:

Please click here to view and download a postcard version.

How to stay involved:

Please click here to view our flyer that explains many ways that you, as an ALL Member, can stay involved with your association.