Language World 1997 was at the University of Keele, 11-13 April. ALL President Madeleine Bedford paid tribute to ‘the many ALL members who work so hard for the organisation’.

LW1997LW1997 was on the cusp of a technological transformation with a session to discuss ideas with teachers about what they wanted from a ‘World Wide Website’ for ALL and with a programme reflecting the change from OHP discussions to using IT in classes.

Workshops included:
• All aboard the Internet, Terry Atkinson, lecturer in Education and Modern Languages, University of Bristol;
• Russian slang in its social context, Andrew Jameson, Languages Coordinator, former Russian linguistics specialist;
• Coming to terms with GNVQ courses, Jo Dotor, lecturer of Humanities and Languages at Basingstoke College of Technology;and
• Issues in studying languages after Key Stage 4, Bernard Lien, County Advisor for MFL, Devon Curriculum Advice, OFSTED Inspector.

Also in 1997, Labour won a landslide general election victory, and St Ives MP Andrew George, became the first MP to use the Cornish language in the Commons as part of his maiden speech.