Language World 2002 “Building Bridges” was in York, 12-14 April 2002.
ALL President Terry Lamb presided over a jam-packed programme, and provided a jam-packed welcome speech for the conference guide, notably referring to verging on ‘a new era in language teaching and learning’.
A KS3 Strategy Conference kick-started the weekend, and plenaries from Eric Hawkins, David Stork, MFL Adviser; Alan Dobson HMI, Ofsted; Baroness Ashton speaking about the National Languages Strategy, Cynthia Martin, University of Reading; Terry Lamb, Lecturer in Education, University of Sheffield and Hilary Footitt, Chair of the University Council of Modern Languages were sprinkled across the weekend.
Notable sessions included:
• Success breeds success – raising attainment at GCSE by working towards a positive, not a negative, Lisa Cryan, Advisory Teacher, Cumbria; Jane Hegedus, Trinity School, Carlisle, and member of ALL’s German committee;
• Target setting raises achievement – doesn’t it? Kate Richards, Curriculum Co-ordinator MFL and IQEA Co-ordinator, Dukeries Community College, Newark;
• How to make your language department cool, Charles Claxton, Archbishop Ramsey Technology College, London; and
• Bilingual pupils in the modern language classroom, Margie Raynor, Liverpool and Ann Cambier, Derbyshire Advisory Service.
2002 also saw the launch of the National Languages Strategy: Languages for all, languages for life; BBC4; and (ahem) Footballers Wives.